Build Trust, Reduce Leakage, Boost Revenue

Modernize and Grow Your Practice with RCC

referral care coordination specialists to doctors communication with full patient lifecycle


Build Trust, Reduce Leakage, Boost Revenue

Modernize and Grow Your Practice with RCC

referral care coordination specialists to doctors communication with full patient lifecycle

Build Better Referral Networks

Maximize Referral Revenue

Collaborate with Full Visibility

The Roadblocks in Referral Management

In the complex world of specialty healthcare, practices face formidable operational challenges that directly affect their success and patient care. Building strong referral networks is a demanding task that strains budgets when appropriate tools are lacking. Mismanaged referral management can result in poor patient experience, delayed care, and revenue loss. Effective collaboration among physicians, liaisons, coordinators, and office staff is essential for streamlined, patient-focused care. The financial health of practices and patient outcomes are at serious risk when coordination falters, leading to a disjointed care experience.

At Constellation4, our Referral Care Coordination (RCC) solution addresses these issues decisively, ensuring that care pathways are not just maintained but optimized.

Success Story

Gregory Henderson | Founder | Vision Care | FESCI | Florida Eye Specialists & Cataract Institute

Gregory Henderson,
M.D., F.A.C.S.


Vision Care | FESCI | Florida Eye Specialists & Cataract Institute

“The ability to build and manage our referral network, using the Referral Care Coordination platform built on top of the Intelligent Provider Network Management, has allowed us to grow market share, reduce patient leakage drastically, collaborate on the patient lifecycle with our referral partners and more importantly, provide a superior patient experience.”

Gregory Henderson | Founder | Vision Care | FESCI | Florida Eye Specialists & Cataract Institute

Gregory Henderson,
M.D., F.A.C.S.


Vision Care | FESCI | Florida Eye Specialists & Cataract Institute

“The ability to build and manage our referral network, using the Referral Care Coordination platform built on top of the Intelligent Provider Network Management, has allowed us to grow market share, reduce patient leakage drastically, collaborate on the patient lifecycle with our referral partners and more importantly, provide a superior patient experience.”

Solution Highlights

The Referral Care Coordination (RCC) solution transforms specialty healthcare practices with advanced technology, enabling robust referral network establishment, safeguarding against revenue leakage, and facilitating seamless collaboration among physicians. RCC streamlines the referral process, enhancing referral quality, maintaining revenue integrity, and elevating patient care to new heights. Our solution is a pivotal tool for practices aiming to excel in today’s dynamic healthcare environment.

Build Better Referral Networks

Enable physician liaisons to easily identify and engage with key healthcare providers, enhancing the development of valuable referral relationships.

Provide liaisons with comprehensive CRM tools to monitor interactions, organize daily tasks, and manage dynamic relationships with all stakeholders.

Provide a panoramic view of networking activities, allowing the practice to analyze results and refine strategies for improved outcomes and growth.

referral care coordination portal of my referral network portfolio
referral care coordination provider profile and locations and analytics

Supercharge Physician Liaison Productivity

Empower physician liaisons with advanced scheduling tools and map integration for optimal route planning of daily and weekly activities.

Identify and prioritize key strategic partners, focusing efforts on nurturing the most valuable relationships.

Utilize data-driven insights pinpoint top targets for outreach, ensuring time is spent where it’s most impactful.

Grow Referrals and Prevent Leakage

Process every referral and diligently manage them to ensure quick patient outreach and minimize scheduling discrepancies,

Seamlessly integrate referrals from all channels—web, fax, email—to capture every opportunity without fail.

Prevent referral slippage with enhanced tracking and coordination, boosting practice efficiency and profit margins.

referral care coordination portal and data. dashboard showing patient referral like demographics and details with revenue going up.
referral care coordination CRM portal with new needs attention scheduling specialist care od care and closed

Empowering Partner Collaboration

Achieve clear oversight of the referral process, coordinating seamlessly between referring physicians and specialists.

Enable partners to submit referrals directly and engage in real-time discussions via chat, streamlining both initial engagement and ongoing coordination.

Facilitate the secure exchange of files, charts, and prescriptions, ensuring all relevant patient information is readily accessible.

Built on Intelligent Provider Network Manager (IPNM)

Harness IPNM’s advanced capabilities to elevate care coordination with ease, ensuring seamless patient journeys.

Adapt and grow your network effortlessly, enhancing patient outcomes through IPNM’s comprehensive network management tools.

Utilize IPNM-driven CRM strategies and efficient referral processes to focus on delivering exceptional patient care.

referral care coordination provider and specialists portal. sharing business details, corporate address details.

Solution Highlights

The Referral Care Coordination (RCC) solution transforms specialty healthcare practices with advanced technology, enabling robust referral network establishment, safeguarding against revenue leakage, and facilitating seamless collaboration among physicians. RCC streamlines the referral process, enhancing referral quality, maintaining revenue integrity, and elevating patient care to new heights. Our solution is a pivotal tool for practices aiming to excel in today’s dynamic healthcare environment.

referral care coordination portal of my referral network portfolio

Build Better Referral Networks

Enable physician liaisons to easily identify and engage with key healthcare providers, enhancing the development of valuable referral relationships.

Provide liaisons with comprehensive CRM tools to monitor interactions, organize daily tasks, and manage dynamic relationships with all stakeholders.

Provide a panoramic view of networking activities, allowing the practice to analyze results and refine strategies for improved outcomes and growth.

referral care coordination provider profile and locations and analytics

Supercharge Physician Liaison Productivity

Empower physician liaisons with advanced scheduling tools and map integration for optimal route planning of daily and weekly activities.

Identify and prioritize key strategic partners, focusing efforts on nurturing the most valuable relationships.

Utilize data-driven insights pinpoint top targets for outreach, ensuring time is spent where it’s most impactful.

referral care coordination portal and data. dashboard showing patient referral like demographics and details with revenue going up.

Grow Referrals and Prevent Leakage

Process every referral and diligently manage them to ensure quick patient outreach and minimize scheduling discrepancies,

Seamlessly integrate referrals from all channels—web, fax, email—to capture every opportunity without fail.

Prevent referral slippage with enhanced tracking and coordination, boosting practice efficiency and profit margins.

referral care coordination CRM portal with new needs attention scheduling specialist care od care and closed

Empowering Partner Collaboration

Achieve clear oversight of the referral process, coordinating seamlessly between referring physicians and specialists.

Enable partners to submit referrals directly and engage in real-time discussions via chat, streamlining both initial engagement and ongoing coordination.

Facilitate the secure exchange of files, charts, and prescriptions, ensuring all relevant patient information is readily accessible.

referral care coordination provider and specialists portal. sharing business details, corporate address details.

Built on Intelligent Provider Network Manager (IPNM)

Harness IPNM’s advanced capabilities to elevate care coordination with ease, ensuring seamless patient journeys.

Adapt and grow your network effortlessly, enhancing patient outcomes through IPNM’s comprehensive network management tools.

Utilize IPNM-driven CRM strategies and efficient referral processes to focus on delivering exceptional patient care.


In 2023, Gartner developed an independent case study of our solution at Florida Eye Specialists and Cataract Institute (FESCI) highlighting the profound impact of RCC on both patient care and revenue generation. RCC is built upon the robust foundation of Constellation4’s Intelligent Provider Network Management. This integration optimizes the collaboration between referring physicians and their office staff while also addressing the intricate nature of referral care management.

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